*Pigging out between 'Editions' 2/16/98


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Pigging Out Between 'Editions'

Guest Workout Fitness
By Candace A. Wedlan

Los Angeles Times
Monday February 16, 1998

"Intermittent" is how Kyle Chandler summed up his fitness program. During a recent phone interview, the star of "Early Edition" pointed out that the CBS drama is shot entirely in Chicago, and he is a lot more active when he can play outdoors in the sunshine.Chandler, who lived in the Chicago suburbs until he was 11 when his family moved to Georgia, said, "I go through stages of being 10 pounds too heavy and then working my way down. Especially wintertime, because we've got a caterer--she was taught all these wonderful sauces with a lot of butter and rich-tasting wonders."When he's "being good," he'll have a cup of coffee and a cinnamon raisin bagel for breakfast, salad with fruit, cottage cheese and tuna for lunch. He said dinner time is tricky because after having salad and fish or grilled chicken prepared by his wife, Kathryn, he might have a pizza for dinner No. 2.I wanted to know what, besides pizza, Chandler, 32, would eat if he could cut loose."Oh, I love cheeseburgers and French fries. I love big, fat steaks, and I love bacon. And I love whole milk and pecan pie with butter draped on the top," Chandler said. "I could eat a whole one and sleep for a week. I say to myself, 'Oh, I can gain a little weight over the winter. Bears do it. Why can't I? It's cold out there.' " During the freeze in Chicago, Chandler does some swimming, sit-ups and push-ups, and uses free weights stashed in his trailer at work. Post-thaw, Chandler is outside playing golf and tennis, bicycling, swimming and throwing around a baseball or a football."Summertime I love roller-blading. We've got a stroller that's got a great suspension system, and I'll get the blades and go along Lake Shore Drive . . . take off along there with my kid."When there's a break from work, Chandler, Kathryn and their 2-year-old daughter spend time in Los Angeles, where he'll hike in the Griffith Park hills. "I'll throw a sweatshirt on, some sweatpants, and I'll be soaking wet by the time I get home."There's a payoff for all that sweat."My wife and I will ride the motorcycle to one of our favorite restaurants--Neptune's Net on PCH [Malibu]. You pick out the seafood, they steam it for you right there, call your number and then you go out and sit on the deck, and by the time you're done eating, you got the sun setting--beautiful sunset and everything."

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