Kyle Chandler is a great actor, but infinitely timesnicer in real life. I met him a couple years ago--actually, he came to my house. (No, I'm not some psycho or compulsive liar...) I was a few years younger at the time (12?), and very, very ill. My father's best friend is a police officer in our smallish town right outside Chicago. Early Edition used to use some places here for locations--specifically, a girls' Catholic high school, among others. Anyway, the police were protecting the area, escorting them around, basically putting our tax dollars to work, right? The god-uncle police officer arranged to have him cometo my house. (How odd!?) It was so weird. I wasn't a gigantic fan of the show before it, but I watched it faithfully afterward. He was so kind and seemed so concerned about some kid he'd never met! All I have to prove it is a polaroid signed by him and, *thinks,* some other guy that was on that particular episode. Luis Guzman, I think? It was a very nice meeting, made me feel better at the time! Several months later, when I was doing better, the police officer stopped by again--he said he had a present for me. Kyle Chandler sent me one of those black and white glossy photographs and he'd signed it, made out to me and wishing me well. He really is so wonderful. Which is hard to believe, when you think about it-an extremely talented, drop-dead gorgeous actor whos intelligent and caring? Especially when it comes to kids?!?! He IS the perfect man! I almost wish hed be famous-as in a *very* famous celebrity. I know of all the hounding and stress and pressure those people have on them, but I just wish Kyle would get the recognition he deserves. Many ultra famous movie stars arent so nice, and you hear about it in the press. To actually MEET one whos the exact opposite of that is amazing-I wish him all the success in the world, because he truly, truly deserves it.
 (Nice to meet you. God bless, Kyle M Chandler) |